of India has approved ‘National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme’ (NAPS) with
target to provide apprenticeship training to 50 lakh youth by 2020. Under the
scheme, Government of India will share 25% of prescribed stipend subject to a
maximum of Rs 1500 per month per apprentice with the employers. Government of
India will also share maximum Rs 7500 per fresher apprentice (without any
formal trade training) as a cost of basic training with Basic Training
Providers. The scheme would come in to effect from date of notification of scheme i.e. 19th
August 2016. The Employers who have already registered apprentices before date
of notification of scheme i.e. 19th August 2016 can get the benefits
of scheme from the date of notification only. All others shall be eligible from
the date of registration with prospective effect.
Every person regarded as an apprentice or if he is a
minor his guardian shall have to execute a contract of apprenticeship with the
employer in the prescribed form,which will be registered with the
Apprenticeship Adviser.The Apprenticeship Training will be imparted in
pursuance of this contract.Industrial Training Department conducts All India
Apprenticeship Trade Test twice in a year (April/may and October/November )